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Риторика: введение

Риторика учит правильно воспринимать речь в любом виде и эффективно ее порождать. Это третья наука из классичекого цикла, что мы изучаем.
Из ОФ мы знаем, что сейчас идет лавинный рост числа текстов в фактуре МК (фактура = орудие письма + материал письма). В основном речь идет об Интернете и других СМИ, когда чаще всего орудием письма является ПК, а материалом письма - машинный носитель (обычно электромагнитной природы).

Обилие таких текстов, а также печатных. письменных и устных, все жанры которых сохраняются (возможно в модифицированном виде) формулирует основную задачу риторики в следующем виде.

- Умение быстро воспринимать речь во всех видах и извлекать нужные смыслы для принятия оперативных решений. Не давать себя увлечь, сбить на деятельность, не выгодную себе и обществу.

- Умение изобретать мысль и действия и облекать их в такую речевую форму, которая отвечала бы обстоятельствам.

Это значит уметь создавать монолог, диалог и управлять ими, управлять системой речевых коммуникаций в пределах своей компетенции.

Предлагаю ознакомиться со стандартным университетским сайтом по классической
риторике, и также с другими материалами по данной теме.
(далее - см на сайте)


Материалы по теории общения

What Makes an Effective Home Page?
A Critical Analysis
Home page as Communication
A home page is a communication device. This implies that home pages should/could/might be usefully analyzed from within communication theory. This paper will show how two communications models can help to guide the web page designer from a theoretic perspective.
Once again, it bears repeating, at least saying in a different way, that most traditional "guides" to effective page design focus on mundane technical, minimalist rules which can be implemented by grade school students or even automatically via web editors. This paper has already showed an example of such a list (see above). That is not, however, the intent of this paper. Our interest is effective communication and effective pedagogy.

Two models of communication
Communication theory postulates two basic approaches to communication: a model based on the transmission of messages, and a model based on the development of meaning. For the first we have chosen a traditional 1949 adaptation of the Shannon-Weaver model first suggested by Harold Lasswell. For the second, we have selected a basic semiotic model.


This tutorial presents a fundamental overview of the study of communication with emphasis on the study of human communication. The sections may be used in any order, though a comprehensive study would normally begin with section number one and consider each in the order listed below.

Communication is a process that serves to connect senders and receivers of messages in space and time. Although human beings tend to be interested primarily in the study of human communication, the process is present in all living things and, it can be argued, in all things. From this we may conclude that communication is a fundamental, universal process.


Риторическая классика - Eight Rules for Creating Great White Papers

Eight Rules for Creating Great White Papers
by KnowledgeStorm, Inc

> View this now

Published on: May 12, 2005
Type of content: WHITE PAPER
Format: Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) (1010 kb)
Price: FREE

White papers are one of the most powerful tools in the sales and marketing toolkit. Properly conceived and executed though, white papers work. In one recent IT buying study by Forbes.com, 72% of respondents contacted a vendor or reseller after reading a white paper. In the same study, 57% of respondents said that reading a white paper influenced a product buying decision.

White papers make companies credible. They help position companies as thought leaders, and they aid the selling process by informing and educating the prospect base. The best application of a white paper is to provide information that helps solve a problem that is meaningful to the reader. It should justify why the problem must be solved, objectively explore alternative ways to solve the problem, and logically lead the reader to the conclusion that your organization has the knowledge, expertise and tools required to solve the problem. White papers should be written to help move prospects through the sales funnel; but they must do so using objective analysis and thorough, informative content.

There are several ways to ensure that a white paper delivers the results you expect. The following paper presents eight straightforward techniques that will turn your next white paper into a valuable competitive differentiator that supports and augments the sales process.


Как писать Белые книги - чисто конкретно

Creating White Papers Responsibily

added June 16, 2007

Reggie loves a challenge and that includes interesing writing. Check out his latest template site: Brochure Template Tips.

Marketing communications is a dynamic function. You set out a plan, identify key messages, establish design and format criteria-but you must remain flexible to respond to a constantly changing environment. An environment that presents new challenges.

With all the disillusion and uncertainly this this economic world, it makes sense to create additional revenue streams to keep your business alive and well.

One way to do this is by producing specialized content - and then selling it to those with an interest. Selling content in this manner via white papers or special reports really can be lucrative - and fast.

Unless you haven''t have internet access for the last ten years, you''ve probably noticed thousands of ebooks vying for your attention on almost any subject. You can do the same with white papers. Find out which ingredients make customers willing to pay you for material available from other sources, and what elements you should include in your marketing copy to spark their interest in buying now.

Review these variables when creating your special report:

Keep your goal in mind even from the very beginning of your project.
Do you want to find a way to increase sales, while reducing your cost to acquire those sales?
Who are you trying to attract and what is on their minds?
What distribution method will be best?
How large is your market?
Make sure the layout of your special report user friendly and is very easy to read.
Keep in mind that it’s basically sales copy in writing.
Make sure you have your facts straight, very brief and to the point.
Write an attention getting headline. Ninety-five percent of your readers will decide if they will read your special report based totally on your headline, so give it much thought and make it outstanding.
Upload your special report strategically. When emailing others, include your white paper URL in your signature line as well as any online marketing area you can think of.

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